BlackList plugin


This control component find all ambiguous or forbidden terms and expressions.

The full component can be enabled / disabled.

Both requirements title and text are analyzed. When using the parsing option Syntax + Full, all text is analyzed.


The rules are executed in the declaration order. When a part of the text raises an error for a rule, it will no be used for the next rules.

Use of predefined set of rules

The selected predefined set of rule can be applied with the Apply button.

Several set of rules can be combined.

You can clear all rules with the Erase button.

Rule customization


A comment can be added at the end of each line with the prefix //.

For example:

most        // ambiguous form

Simple wildcards

Each expression can use simple wildcards.

? (question mark) represents 1 character.

For example:

M?nday // matches "Monday"

* (asterisk) represents 0, 1 or more characters.

For example:

M*y // matches "Monday"

{ , } (curly brackets) represents several possible expressions separated by commas.

For example:

{Mon,Tues}day // will generate an error for both "Monday" and "Tuesday"

\ (backslash) is used to escape a special character.

For example:

Monday\? // will generate an error for "Monday?"

Case Sensitive

The detection is not case sensitive (default behavior). The CS option (Case Sensitive) inside the comment force analysis to be case sensitive.

ASAP        // (CS) only capital expression will generate an error

White List

The WL option (White List) inside the comment force the expression to be accepted. All following rules are skipped.

For example if IN/OUT shall be accepted but OUT (alone) shall not:

IN/OUT        // (WL)(CS) accepted

OUT           // (CS)


The option REGEXP enables complex regular expression instead of wildcards.

For example:

at +([\w]+ +){1,3}level        // (REGEXP) will generate an error with "at the same level"