Reqchecker 1.11 is ready

Google Docs reader

REQCHECKER™ is able to read Google Docs documents accessed from Google Drive.

Improvements for MS Word .doc reader

Now the reader works without the need to install Microsoft WORD on the computer. The read speed is greatly improved. The plugin supports more features: tracking of changes taken into account, images, hidden text not visible, custom chapter numbering.

Cross document rules

The Cross document rules check module allows you to control how requirements are covered in different documents, for example by ensuring that all high-level requirements are covered in both the software architecture AND the low-level requirements. This type of control is necessary to implement the V-cycle rules of IEC 62304, DO178C, ISO 26262, etc.

Default document mode improvement

The default mode assigned to a new document is improved: if the document can be read in « database » mode then this mode is assigned, otherwise the most used mode for documents with the same extension is assigned.