New Version 1.5.0

What’s new?

Build 1205 Nov 2016

GUI improvement: the requirements parsing mode – syntax mode, chapter mode and database mode – is defined for each file on the “Data Sources” tab. The file icon is decorated with a database logo for database mode and a ‘H1’ logo for heading mode. This feature allows to cover a PDF with a Word file: the PDF uses the heading mode and the Word uses the syntax mode.


Input format (Experimental) : PDF heading number recognition. The heading numbers can be covered as a requirement. The software uses an experimental heuristic algorithm. The table of content itself automatically detected and ignored. Pattren “1.1 1.2.1..” and “1. A. 1. B..” are supported. PDF version for standards like ISO9001 or EN9100, or PDF requirements of a request for proposal can be directly covered.

Input format: read comments in source code file in C language (*.c, *.h).
For example this kind of statement is now supported:
* This is a c sample
* <REQ_SRS_003> coverage of the requirement REQ_SRS_003

void main() {
// The function returns 1
// <REQ_SRS_004> coverage of the requirement REQ_SRS_004

return 1;

icon-new Parser improvement: accepts tags between title and text.
Main structure is:
[ID] [title]
[some tags or coverages]
[requirement text, can include some coverages]
[some tags or coverages]
Several custom tags can be defined on the same line. If a custom tag has several values defined for a same requirement, the report displays all of then separated by a plus sign (“+”).
For example this kind of statement is now supported:
<DSL_0010> Operating System
Type: Required Priority: High
The software must be compliant with Windows 10.
Covers: EXB_0134

icon-new Parser engine : new option “Title on next line” selects if the title is on the same line as the requirement ID, or in the next line.


If unchecked, the following syntax is supported:
<DSL_0010> Operating System
The software must be compliant with Windows 10.

If checked, the following syntax is supported:
Operating System
The software must be compliant with Windows 10.

icon-newParser engine: add regular expression for END_TEXT tag and END_COVER tag.


icon-newParser engine: verification reports use the same computation algorithm than coverage report, including coverage tags. For example reading a requirement text does not stop when an embedded coverage is read.


icon-newReports: both verification report and coverage matrix allows user to click on a link to open the source page in a PDF document.

Reports: coverage matrix contains a new summary sheet with a pie. The pie can be filtered by source document. The matrix in presented on the second sheet. Title column is added on both sheets.


New license mode: floating tokens. Flexibility: you can empower an entire team with only the number of licenses that are expected to be in use simultaneously. Easy and cost-efficient: reduces the administration, as it is easier to administer because the IT department do not have to monitor usage as closely.